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Referral Program

Last updated: 22nd May 2024

Refer a friend and receive 25% (or more) off your next payment if your friend subscribes to Nutritics! 

To access your unique referral link, click on Settings, and Earn Discounts* in the top right corner of the screen. 

Share your referral link on social media by hovering over the share button and selecting how you would like to share your link. 

If you select the email option, enter a friend or colleague’s email address into the email field, click ‘ok’ and your referral link will be emailed to the address specified. 

Clicking on the link will bring your friend to your unique sign up page. Your friend must register for a 7-day free trial of Nutritics at this link for any discounts to be applied should they subscribe to Nutritics later on. 

You can see how many friends have signed up for a free trial from your link in the referral program dashboard (accessed by clicking on Earn Discounts). 

If your friend chooses to subscribe to a paid Nutritics plan, they will receive 25% off their first payment. This is automatically applied at the checkout. 

A 25% discount will also be applied to your next payment. This is automatically taken off your next payment, you don’t need to do anything on your end. 

The discount you receive increases depending on the number of referred friends that purchase a Nutritics plan**:

  • 1 referred friend buys = you get 25% off your next payment, your friend gets 25% off their first payment
  • 2 referred friends buy = you get 60% off your next payment, each friend gets 25% off their first payment
  • 3 or more referred friends buy = you get 100% off your next payment, each friend gets 25% off their first payment

You can see how many friends have subscribed to Nutritics and the discount that will be applied to your next payment in the referral program dashboard. 

If you have any questions, please email us at 

*This offer is only available to users paying <€1000 online by card. It is not available to users on trial or on enterprise, student or other discounted plans. 

**The number of referred friends refreshes at each new billing period and referrals can not be carried over.