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Nutritics Login

Log in to Nutritics at using the username/email address and password you registered with.

You will be required to use two factor authentication at log in also. You can use your email address to set this up, or sign in via Google or Microsoft.

For easy access to Nutritics, we recommend bookmarking it in your web browser.

Nutritics Login

Note that you must already have a Nutritics created in order to login via this method.

Bookmarking in Google Chrome

Go to in Google Chrome and click on the star icon to the right of the url at the top of the screen.

Nutritics Login

Save Nutritics to the bookmarks bar and it will always be visible when you open a new internet tab or window.

Nutritics Login

The next time you open your browser, simply click on Nutritics in the bookmark bar to log in.

Nutritics Login

Bookmarking in Safari

Go to in Safari and click the Share button in the toolbar, then choose 'Add Bookmark'. 

Nutritics Login
Nutritics Login

Choose where to add the bookmark, and rename it if you like. 

Nutritics Login

Click 'Add'.

The next time you open the Safari browser, click the Sidebar button in the toolbar, then click the Bookmarks button. 

Or, choose Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks. 

Nutritics Login

Bookmarking in Microsoft Edge

Go to in Edge and click 'Add to Favorites' in the top menu bar

Nutritics Login

Name the page, and then click 'Done'.

Nutritics Login

The next time you open your browser, simply click on Nutritics in the favourites bar to log in.

Nutritics Login