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Forecasting Servings and Waste on Menus

On a menu you can use our monitors to forecast performance and calculate total waste costs. 

Click ‘Choose Columns’ from the top toolbar on a menu to add these elements.

Forecasting Servings and Waste on Menus

Under ‘Administration’ select the ‘Forecasting & Waste’ monitor. Toggle the dropdown to enable the ‘Forecast servings’ and ‘Popularity’ elements:

  • Forecasting Servings: Input how many servings in total were/are to be prepared

  • Popularity (%): Input how popular you predict each dish to be, or look retrospectively at how popular they were. This must total 100%.

This will help in reducing food waste as the system will automatically calculate how many servings of each dish should be prepared.

Forecasting Servings and Waste on Menus

If you’re analysing in advance you can export the menu out to generate an inventory list. Click Export to > Shopping List and the appropriate servings will populate the menu list automatically. 

Please note that this currently will overwrite data each time you input new values (it is not stored over days for tracking).

Click ‘Include Forecast Table’ to include forecast figures from the menu. This will show forecasted, produced, sold and unsold servings as input. Where these columns were blank on a menu they will remain blank for the export, allowing you to populate later.

Forecasting Servings and Waste on Menus

Enable the ‘Waste’ monitor to calculate the waste incurred from unsold portions. Nutritics will calculate the total waste cost by using servings inputted, unsold servings and total recipe cost (from the menu). 

Input how many servings of each dish were unsold under the ‘Unsold Servings’ monitor: 

  • Unsold Servings: Input how many servings were unsold

  • Total Waste (%): This automatically populates the total servings unsold 

  • Cost of Unsold Ingredients: This auto calculates the cost of waste for unsold ingredients

  • Cost of Unsold (At RRP): This auto calculates the cost of waste for servings at RRP

Forecasting Servings and Waste on Menus

Nutritics will calculate the waste costs per percentage of unsold ingredients and unsold servings calculated at RRP.