How Foodprint Can Make Climate Action Easy for Your Food Business

Now is the time for every business to measure and reduce its environmental impact. Supply chains are a critical component of this, as scope 3 emissions represent a significant chunk of industry’s overall carbon footprint. Within the hospitality and food sector (HaFS) in particular, the importance of this area cannot be overstated; WRAP estimates that scope 3 can account for up to 90% of the emissions of a typical food business. It’s clear that any company not monitoring its scope 3 footprint is simply not doing enough to minimise its impact. 

Too important to ignore

If there are significant emissions in your supply chain that cannot be avoided, this will eventually put your business at risk. By analysing your supply chain now in order to identify and fix problem areas — with the goal of keeping your company’s impact in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement — your business can safeguard against future legislation. 

“The biggest reason to trace GHG is to have a robust, sustainable supply chain. If there are (large) emissions in your supply chain that cannot be avoided, it will eventually mean that your business is at risk. By identifying the emissions in the supply chain now, companies can de-risk their operation, ensure future operations and start working on the reduction of these emissions.” – Peter de Jong, Program Leader Of Sustainable Energy Production, Natuur Milieu

Foodprint is a fully automated, easy-to-use carbon footprint scoring, display and scope 3 reporting system for food businesses, making it more straightforward than ever for your business to track and measure its environmental impact. 

Be the change

Once you have examined your own supply chain and identified the issues, you can begin a conversation with your suppliers around reducing emissions. This is an opportunity to create wider change: by setting strong targets that include the entire supply chain, seeking high standards from suppliers and maintaining accountability through comprehensive reporting, companies can create a ripple effect. Your sustainability efforts will help to inspire others, and hence have the potential to influence transformation across the food industry. 

Foodprint provides foodservice operators with comprehensive, practical metrics and insights into the impact of the food they serve, throughout their entire life cycles from field to fork. 

Setting goals and making plans

You can’t fix what you don’t measure; if your company isn’t tracking emissions throughout your entire supply chain, it’s impossible to set realistic reduction goals. 

Companies need to set targets that include scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. These targets should be realistic but ambitious, and include clear milestones for the short, medium and longer term. They will also ensure your company remains accountable, recording your progress against these milestones through consistent and comprehensive reporting. 

Access all the information you need to set sustainability objectives. Nutritics provides the most reliable data available and all results provided can be linked back to peer reviewed LCA academic research, supported by our expert PhD and MSc scientists. 

Transparency is key

More and more, consumers (and investors) demand transparency around the environmental impact of products and services they choose to support. Information on scope 3 emissions is necessary in order to give your customers and stakeholders a more complete picture of your carbon emissions. Being transparent in reporting scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions — and designating which is which — allows organisations to illustrate where reductions are happening. 

Make your GHG emissions profile and reduction goals publicly available – whether on your website, in your annual report and/or via a third-party system. Introduce procurement contracts that require suppliers to report their associated emissions to your company. Communicate where you’re making changes in your direct energy use as well as where you’ve made changes in your supply chain, allowing your customers to better understand your sustainability efforts. 

Foodprint allows you to add a carbon and water footprint score to packaging, dishes and promotional materials, building trust in your brand and taking customers with you on your sustainability journey. 

Your time matters 

As we’ve mentioned, scope 3 emissions often make up the bulk of a food business’s carbon footprint, but are also the most challenging to track. At Nutritics, we know how busy the food industry can be; that’s why we’ve created a fully automated system that does the time-consuming work for you. 

As you enter recipes into Nutritics, your Foodprint score is updated, taking into account the environmental impact specific to each ingredient. Changes made to foods, recipes and suppliers are updated in real-time, allowing you to make changes to recipes to reduce their impact on the environment. 

Automatically calculate the carbon footprint of your food supply chain to manage your purchasing and scope 3 non financial reporting requirements. 

Let Foodprint do the work for you.

Learn more about how Foodprint can help your food business. Get in touch today and make carbon food tracking a piece of cake!